Launching Enterprise Gateway (common)#

Very few arguments are necessary to minimally start Enterprise Gateway. The following command could be considered a minimal command:

jupyter enterprisegateway --ip= --port_retries=0

where --ip= exposes Enterprise Gateway on the public network and --port_retries=0 ensures that a single instance will be started.


The ability to target resource-managed clusters (and use remote kernels) will require additional configuration settings depending on the resource manager. For additional information see the appropriate server-based deployment topic of our Operators Guide.

We recommend starting Enterprise Gateway as a background task. As a result, you might find it best to create a start script to maintain options, file redirection, etc.

The following script starts Enterprise Gateway with DEBUG tracing enabled (default is INFO) and idle kernel culling for any kernels idle for 12 hours with idle check intervals occurring every 60 seconds. The Enterprise Gateway log can then be monitored via tail -F enterprise_gateway.log and it can be stopped via kill $(cat



jupyter enterprisegateway --ip= --port_retries=0 --log-level=DEBUG --RemoteKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout=43200 --MappingKernelManager.cull_interval=60 > $LOG 2>&1 &
if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then
  echo $! > $PIDFILE
  exit 1


Remember that any options set via the command-line will not be available for dynamic configuration funtionality.