Single-server deployments#

Single-server deployment can be useful for development and is not meant to be run in production environments as it subjects the gateway server to resource exhaustion.

Steps to deploy a single server are:

  1. Install Enterprise Gateway

  2. Install the desired kernels

  3. Install and configure the server and desired kernel specifications (see below)

  4. Launch Enterprise Gateway

If you just want to try Enterprise Gateway in a single-server setup, you can use the following kernels specification (no need for a kernel launcher since the kernel runs locally):

  "display_name": "Python 3 Local",
  "language": "python",
  "metadata": {
    "process_proxy": {
      "class_name": ""
  "argv": ["python", "-m", "ipykernel_launcher", "-f", "{connection_file}"]

process_proxy is optional (if Enterprise Gateway encounters a kernel specification without the process_proxy stanza, it will treat that specification as if it contained LocalProcessProxy).


You can run a local kernel in Distributed mode by setting remote_hosts to the localhost. Why would you do that?

  1. One reason is that it decreases the window in which a port conflict can occur since the 5 kernel ports are created by the launcher (within the same process and therefore closer to the actual invocation of the kernel) rather than by the server prior to the launch of the kernel process.

  2. The second reason is that auto-restarted kernels - when an issue occurs - say due to a port conflict - will create a new set of ports rather than try to re-use the same set that produced the failure in the first place. In this case, you’d want to use the per-kernel configuration approach and set remote_hosts in the config stanza of the process_proxy stanza (using the stanza instead of the global EG_REMOTE_HOSTS allows you to not interfere with the other resource managers configuration, e.g. Spark Standalone or YARN Client kernels - Those other kernels need to be able to continue leveraging the full cluster nodes).