## Development Workflow Here are instructions for setting up a development environment for the [Jupyter Enterprise Gateway](https://github.com/jupyter/enterprise_gateway) server. It also includes common steps in the developer workflow such as building Enterprise Gateway, running tests, building docs, packaging kernelspecs, etc. ### Prerequisites Install [miniconda](https://conda.io/miniconda.html) and [GNU make](https://www.gnu.org/software/make/) on your system. ### Clone the repo Clone this repository in a local directory. ```bash # make a directory under ~ to put source mkdir -p ~/projects cd !$ # clone this repo git clone https://github.com/jupyter/enterprise_gateway.git ``` ### Make Enterprise Gateway's build environment is centered around `make` and the corresponding `Makefile`. Entering `make` with no parameters yields the following: ``` activate Activate the virtualenv (default: enterprise-gateway-dev) clean-images Remove docker images (includes kernel-based images) clean-kernel-images Remove kernel-based images clean Make a clean source tree dev Make a server in jupyter_websocket mode dist Make source, binary and kernelspecs distribution to dist folder docker-images Build docker images (includes kernel-based images) docs Make HTML documentation env Make a dev environment install Make a conda env with dist/*.whl and dist/*.tar.gz installed itest-docker Run integration tests (optionally) against docker swarm itest-yarn Run integration tests (optionally) against docker demo (YARN) container kernel-images Build kernel-based docker images kernelspecs Create archives with sample kernelspecs nuke Make clean + remove conda env publish-images Push docker images to docker hub release Make a wheel + source release on PyPI test Run unit tests ``` Some of the more useful commands are listed below. ### Build a conda environment Build a Python 3 conda environment containing the necessary dependencies for running the enterprise gateway server, running tests, and building documentation. ``` make env ``` By default, the env built will be named `enterprise-gateway-dev`. To produce a different conda env, you can specify the name via the `ENV=` parameter. ``` make ENV=my-conda-env env ``` >**Note:** If using a non-default conda env, all `make` commands should include the `ENV=` parameter, otherwise the command will use the default environment. ### Build the wheel file Build a wheel file that can then be installed via `pip install` ``` make bdist ``` ### Build the kernelspec tar file Enterprise Gateway includes two sets of kernelspecs for each of the three primary kernels: `IPython`,`IR`, and `Toree` to demonstrate remote kernels and their corresponding launchers. One set uses the `DistributedProcessProxy` while the other uses the `YarnClusterProcessProxy`. The following makefile target produces a tar file (`enterprise_gateway_kernelspecs.tar.gz`) in the `dist` directory. ``` make kernelspecs ``` Note: Because the scala launcher requires a jar file, `make kernelspecs` requires the use of `sbt` to build the scala launcher jar. Please consult the [sbt site](https://www.scala-sbt.org/) for directions to install/upgrade `sbt` on your platform. We currently prefer the use of 1.0.3. ### Build distribution files Builds the files necessary for a given release: the wheel file, the source tar file, and the kernelspecs tar file. This is essentially a helper target consisting of the `bdist` `sdist` and `kernelspecs` targets. ``` make dist ``` ### Run the Enterprise Gateway server Run an instance of the Enterprise Gateway server. ``` make dev ``` Then access the running server at the URL printed in the console. ### Build the docs Run Sphinx to build the HTML documentation. ``` make docs ``` ### Run the unit tests Run the unit test suite. ``` make test ``` ### Run the integration tests Run the integration tests suite. These tests will bootstrap a docker image with Apache Spark using YARN resource manager and Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and perform various tests for each kernel in both YARN client and YARN cluster mode. ``` make itest ``` ### Build the docker images The following can be used to build all docker images used within the project. See [docker images](docker.md) for specific details. ``` make docker-images ```