## Ancillary Features This page points out some features and functionality worthy of your attention but not necessarily part of the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway implementation. ### Culling idle kernels With the adoption of notebooks and interactive development for data science, a new "resource utilization" pattern has arisen, where kernel resources are locked for a given notebook, but due to interactive development process it might be idle for a long period of time causing the cluster resources to starve. One way to workaround this problem is to enable culling of idle kernels after a specific timeout period. Idle kernel culling is set to “off” by default. It’s enabled by setting `--MappingKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout` to a positive value representing the number of seconds a kernel must remain idle to be culled (default: 0, recommended: 43200, 12 hours). You can also configure the interval that the kernels are checked for their idle timeouts by adjusting the setting `--MappingKernelManager.cull_interval` to a positive value. If the interval is not set or set to a non-positive value, the system uses 300 seconds as the default value: (default: 300 seconds). There are use-cases where we would like to enable only culling of idle kernels that have no connections (e.g. the notebook browser was closed without stopping the kernel first), this can be configured by adjusting the setting `--MappingKernelManager.cull_connected` (default: False). Here's an updated start script that provides some default configuration to enable the culling of idle kernels: ```bash #!/bin/bash LOG=/var/log/enterprise_gateway.log PIDFILE=/var/run/enterprise_gateway.pid jupyter enterprisegateway --ip= --port_retries=0 --log-level=DEBUG \ --MappingKernelManager.cull_idle_timeout=43200 --MappingKernelManager.cull_interval=60 > $LOG 2>&1 & if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then echo $! > $PIDFILE else exit 1 fi ``` ### Installing Python modules from within notebook cell To be able to honor user isolation in a multi-tenant world, installing Python modules using `pip` from within a Notebook Cell should be done using the `--user` command-line option as shown below: ``` !pip install --user ``` This results in the Python module to be installed in `$USER/.local/lib/python/site-packages` folder. `PYTHONPATH` environment variable defined in `kernel.json` must include `$USER/.local/lib/python/site-packages` folder so that the newly installed module can be successfully imported in a subsequent Notebook Cell as shown below: ``` import ```