Development Workflow

Here are instructions for setting up a development environment for the Jupyter Enterprise Gateway server. It also includes common steps in the developer workflow such as building Enterprise Gateway, running tests, building docs, packaging kernelspecs, etc.


Install miniconda and GNU make on your system.

Clone the repo

Clone this repository in a local directory.

# make a directory under ~ to put source
mkdir -p ~/projects
cd !$

# clone this repo
git clone


Enterprise Gateway’s build environment is centered around make and the corresponding Makefile.
Entering make with no parameters yields the following:

activate                       Activate the virtualenv (default: enterprise-gateway-dev)
clean-images                   Remove docker images (includes kernel-based images)
clean-kernel-images            Remove kernel-based images
clean                          Make a clean source tree
dev                            Make a server in jupyter_websocket mode
dist                           Make source, binary and kernelspecs distribution to dist folder
docker-images                  Build docker images (includes kernel-based images)
docs                           Make HTML documentation
env                            Make a dev environment
install                        Make a conda env with dist/*.whl and dist/*.tar.gz installed
itest-docker                   Run integration tests (optionally) against docker swarm
itest-yarn                     Run integration tests (optionally) against docker demo (YARN) container
kernel-images                  Build kernel-based docker images
kernelspecs                    Create archives with sample kernelspecs
nuke                           Make clean + remove conda env
publish-images                 Push docker images to docker hub
release                        Make a wheel + source release on PyPI
test                           Run unit tests

Some of the more useful commands are listed below.

Build a conda environment

Build a Python 3 conda environment containing the necessary dependencies for running the enterprise gateway server, running tests, and building documentation.

make env

By default, the env built will be named enterprise-gateway-dev. To produce a different conda env, you can specify the name via the ENV= parameter.

make ENV=my-conda-env env

Note: If using a non-default conda env, all make commands should include the ENV= parameter, otherwise the command will use the default environment.

Build the wheel file

Build a wheel file that can then be installed via pip install

make bdist

Build the kernelspec tar file

Enterprise Gateway includes two sets of kernelspecs for each of the three primary kernels: IPython,IR, and Toree to demonstrate remote kernels and their corresponding launchers. One set uses the DistributedProcessProxy while the other uses the YarnClusterProcessProxy. The following makefile target produces a tar file (enterprise_gateway_kernelspecs.tar.gz) in the dist directory.

make kernelspecs

Note: Because the scala launcher requires a jar file, make kernelspecs requires the use of sbt to build the scala launcher jar. Please consult the sbt site for directions to install/upgrade sbt on your platform. We currently prefer the use of 1.0.3.

Build distribution files

Builds the files necessary for a given release: the wheel file, the source tar file, and the kernelspecs tar file. This is essentially a helper target consisting of the bdist sdist and kernelspecs targets.

make dist

Run the Enterprise Gateway server

Run an instance of the Enterprise Gateway server.

make dev

Then access the running server at the URL printed in the console.

Build the docs

Run Sphinx to build the HTML documentation.

make docs

Run the unit tests

Run the unit test suite.

make test

Run the integration tests

Run the integration tests suite.

These tests will bootstrap a docker image with Apache Spark using YARN resource manager and Jupyter Enterprise Gateway and perform various tests for each kernel in both YARN client and YARN cluster mode.

make itest

Build the docker images

The following can be used to build all docker images used within the project. See docker images for specific details.

make docker-images