# Debugging Jupyter Enterprise Gateway This page discusses how to go about debugging Enterprise Gateway. We also provide troubleshooting information in our [Troubleshooting Guide](../other/troubleshooting.md). ## Configuring your IDE While your mileage may vary depending on which IDE you are using, the steps below (using PyCharm as an example) should be useful for configuring a debugging session for Enterprise Gateway with minimum adjustments for different IDEs. ### Creating a new Debug Configuration Go to Run->Edit Configuration and create a new python configuration with the following settings: ![Enterprise Gateway debug configuration](../images/debug_configuration.png) **Script Path:** ```bash /Users/jovyan/opensource/jupyter/elyra/scripts/jupyter-enterprisegateway ``` **Parameters:** ```bash --ip= --log-level=DEBUG --EnterpriseGatewayApp.yarn_endpoint=“http://elyra-fyi-node-1.fyre.ibm.com:8088/ws/v1/cluster” --EnterpriseGatewayApp.remote_hosts=['localhost'] ``` **Environment Variables:** ```bash EG_ENABLE_TUNNELING=False ``` **Working Directory:** ```bash /Users/jovyan/opensource/jupyter/elyra/scripts ``` ### Running in debug mode Now that you have handled the necessary configuration, use Run-Debug and select the debug configuration you just created and happy debugging!